Monday, July 18, 2011

Barbie Taylor Loft and the 3 Story Dream House

Katie wants me to play Barbies--she wants me to play all the time.   But I am terrible at it

My Barbie wants to say to Ken, "Seriously, a date, now? Who's going to nurse the baby? And, I don't even have an outfit that fits!"  Or to her best friend Raquel (who happens to look just like her but brunette? I am still confused by this.), "I can't possibly shop at Barbie Taylor Loft today--it isn't in my monthly budget.--What's that you say? Let's just go for a drive in the pink convertable and visit?  Are you aware that most of the world's population doesn't understand the perils of antibiotic resistance? I must plan lessons for my science class.  Besides, gas is $4 a gallon! No, No, there is no time to just visit today!"  Or to Ken when comes home from work, and brings in the mail--"the mortage? Already?? Oh, Ken!  Why did we have to buy this 3 story dream house?"

See how this is a major parade rainout for Katie? I don't understand what happened to my ability to play. I believed with every ounce of my childhood body that I could grow up to be Wonder Woman.  I turned under-roos, hay twine, and a pair of yardsale boots into an authentic Wonder Woman uniform.  I got lost for hours in make believe worlds--in those worlds I could solve any problem because no one and no thing was telling me otherwise.

Am I just so submerged in reality that my spark of imagination was extinguished? Well, I need to exercise my imagination--probably lots of us parents do.  When Katie gets home from camp today I am going to play without seeing the "boundaries" reality has introduced me to.  I am going to let Barbie, Ken, and their twin babies see solutions instead of dilemmas.  Maybe I'll even learn something in the process......I'll keep you posted!

Imagine, Pretend, Play, and Create!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

What he Wants

11. My Grandaddy Sanders died when I was pregnant with my oldest in 2002.  When he died he had been married 62 years to my Grandmommy.  I need to remember the advice he gave me about marriage--he said, "Anna, love each other.  Even when it is hard.  Work to make each other happy--sometimes do what he wants instead of what you want. Sometimes he should do what you want instead of what he wants.  Try to out-give each other."  That's about the best marriage advice I've ever heard--except maybe for Grandmommy's--the very same day she said, "Anna, let him be right, sometimes."

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Learn to Love to Save!

10.  Just took my 8 year old, Chip, to the bank to open his first savings account.  He had a crisp $10 bill and 16 quarters.  The teller showed him how to fill in his register, explained how his account could earn interest, and gave him a sticker.  He is now officially on fire for saving money.  If only I'd gotten the bug that early (or anytime prior to 2010 if I'm being honest!) financial picture would be so different than it is now.  We are struggling to dig out of consumer debt, pay off student loans, and build a nest egg.  Well, here's what I've learned and what I need to remind myself constantly---every paycheck, put a little back.  Putting a lot back isn't reasonable, because it leaves too little for the monthly bills and can lead to falling back on the credit card.  But doing a little--you hardly miss it, and it grows faster than you think it would!

When in doubt clean it out!

9. Be happy in all of your spaces.  The spaces you mother in, drive in, work in, and live in.  Different than the metaphorical spaciousness of summer, but equally as important, is the true spaciousness of your setting.  Sometime after my 2nd child was born and while I was agonizing over my dissertation I let this slide...then during my last pregnancy, I reclaimed it.  The crazy nesting hormones and the freak blizzard which resulted in a week of school being closed helped me clean up and clean out.  Oh all the energy I was wasting navigating around unecessary baggage (I am talking about physical clutter here, but there will be time to write about mental clutter as well)!  I am not doing that again--don't use it-get rid of it!  Might use it, but aren't sure when-get rid of it!  Know when and for what you will use it-store it in a clear container so  you can find it when the time comes! When it doubt clean it out!