Monday, July 18, 2011

Barbie Taylor Loft and the 3 Story Dream House

Katie wants me to play Barbies--she wants me to play all the time.   But I am terrible at it

My Barbie wants to say to Ken, "Seriously, a date, now? Who's going to nurse the baby? And, I don't even have an outfit that fits!"  Or to her best friend Raquel (who happens to look just like her but brunette? I am still confused by this.), "I can't possibly shop at Barbie Taylor Loft today--it isn't in my monthly budget.--What's that you say? Let's just go for a drive in the pink convertable and visit?  Are you aware that most of the world's population doesn't understand the perils of antibiotic resistance? I must plan lessons for my science class.  Besides, gas is $4 a gallon! No, No, there is no time to just visit today!"  Or to Ken when comes home from work, and brings in the mail--"the mortage? Already?? Oh, Ken!  Why did we have to buy this 3 story dream house?"

See how this is a major parade rainout for Katie? I don't understand what happened to my ability to play. I believed with every ounce of my childhood body that I could grow up to be Wonder Woman.  I turned under-roos, hay twine, and a pair of yardsale boots into an authentic Wonder Woman uniform.  I got lost for hours in make believe worlds--in those worlds I could solve any problem because no one and no thing was telling me otherwise.

Am I just so submerged in reality that my spark of imagination was extinguished? Well, I need to exercise my imagination--probably lots of us parents do.  When Katie gets home from camp today I am going to play without seeing the "boundaries" reality has introduced me to.  I am going to let Barbie, Ken, and their twin babies see solutions instead of dilemmas.  Maybe I'll even learn something in the process......I'll keep you posted!

Imagine, Pretend, Play, and Create!

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