Saturday, July 2, 2011

When in doubt clean it out!

9. Be happy in all of your spaces.  The spaces you mother in, drive in, work in, and live in.  Different than the metaphorical spaciousness of summer, but equally as important, is the true spaciousness of your setting.  Sometime after my 2nd child was born and while I was agonizing over my dissertation I let this slide...then during my last pregnancy, I reclaimed it.  The crazy nesting hormones and the freak blizzard which resulted in a week of school being closed helped me clean up and clean out.  Oh all the energy I was wasting navigating around unecessary baggage (I am talking about physical clutter here, but there will be time to write about mental clutter as well)!  I am not doing that again--don't use it-get rid of it!  Might use it, but aren't sure when-get rid of it!  Know when and for what you will use it-store it in a clear container so  you can find it when the time comes! When it doubt clean it out!

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